MATRIX GROUP, founded in 2004, has been growing from strength to strength blending the latest of technology with impeccable business acumen, meeting the most challenging requirements of fast-evolving technology landscape.
Today. MATRIX defines, designs. and delivers technology-enabled business solutions that help companies WIN in this competitive world. We, MATRIX, provide a complete range of products and services to various verticals such as Education, Government, Healthcare Construction,
Manufacturing. Energy. and Telecommunications, through leveraging technology, business expertise. and high quality customer support.
Through our strategic partnerships with world-class Leading manufacturers and technology providers (such as HP, ACER, Microsoft, Fortinet, Symantec, Tripplite, EXCEL etc.). MATRIX has been able to stretch its coverage of technology landscape. This has become reality through extensive and strategic vertical focus, and consis-tently investing in our well-trained talented workforce of over 6o professionals.
Through our branches and agents in the region. we provide best-in-class solutions to address our clients' total needs, and consistently reinforce our position as their trusted IT partner.
Help organizations get the most of the latest information technology innovations by transforming them into tools that accelerate performance and boost productivity.
At MATRIX, we strive to conduct ourselves professionally, fairly, and with high level of transparency and integrity. Through our strategic partners we constantly seek the most practical implementation strategies to deliver the latest IT innovations to the markets we serve.

INTEGRITY: We say what we do and do what we say.
RELAVENCE: We address the region’s changing needs, rather than replicate available technologies.
EXCELLENCE: Most innovative solutions from the world's leading Technology providers. Always!
RESPECT: Our clients are our partners.
RELIABLE:You can count on us!